Posted on 16 December 2013
We are trying to set ourselves apart. Since starting New Lyfe we have been doing as much research as we can. I wan't to know more about the fashion industry so that we can do better. We keep running into a problem. Everything that fashion lines are already doing... kinda sucks.
As i search through blogs I see a lot of the same thing. Pictures of skinny girls, pictures of people doing shots, pictures of guys doing tricks on skateboards. i like all of that stuff, but the more I start posting pictures of real surface level shit, the more I realize that just isn't who we are.
We are not hypocrites. Of course we will post pictures of pretty girls and sick skate shots and all of that, but I we wan't to be something more. Why can't a clothing company also writes blogs that are from the heart? Why can't a clothing company try to relate to people on some real shit? I don't see a reason why we can't so that what we will do.
The only reason why New Lyfe has gotten this far is because of family. We are all so fortunate to be in each other's lives, and we know that is our biggest strength. Everyone pulls their weight and everyone works without complaint to reach this ideal and dream we have.
It is not easy. I'm sure on the outside it looks very glam and flashy, but it is hard work. Every day we need to be diligent, and just keep chipping away. It is scary because there is no guarantee that our hard work with pay off. We just.... believe I guess.
I don't know where I get it from. My family was always very blue collar and hard working, but somewhere in my life, I adopted this belief that if we just try... we can do anything.
I heard a great line today from a friend. "If someone else can do it, so can I." When it is put real simple like that, it seems so easy.
I will end with my favorite quote. Any time I am feeling weak, or tired, I say these words to myself in my own mind.