The Rebirth of New Lyfe

Posted on 09 July 2014

We owe an apology to our fans. We have been slacking. We have taken the success of New Lyfe for granted, and we have not been giving it the attention it needs and deserves. Here's a sincere pic of Josh and I so that you know we mean it.

The truth is we have been a bit side tracked. I have been working day and night on Sober Nation and Josh has been in Ohio working equally as hard on Recovery Society. Something happened today that made us realize something.

I received a Facebook message from a fan today. She told us that she loved what we were doing but was wondering if we were going out of business. She was bummed out because we had been helping her get through some hard times she was going through. We hadn't been posting and keeping up to date and she thought we were done. This really hit home with us.

We are not going anywhere.

Here's the deal. The hardest part of running an online store is the pictures. Designing and printing the shirts is easy. When you get the shirts, that's when the madness starts. First we have to hire a photographer, and line up models. Then we have to take all the pics, and go back and forth with the designer to edit them in Photoshop and try to pick the best ones. It's really a pain.

After receiving this message, something happened. We were going through our Instagram, and we noticed that the pictures we take ourselves, have the most reach. The pictures of us and the New Lyfe family. The pictures in which we are just being who we are. Those pictures literally get twice as many likes and shares as the pictures that were taken professionally. This was a real eye opener.

New Lyfe was never about glitz and glam. New Lyfe was always about overcoming adversity. About going after your dreams. About not letting our struggles define us. So on that note, we are going to be making some changes.

Over the next week or two you will notice some drastic changes on the website. I don't want to give it away too much, but we are finished with trying to be something we are not. From this moment on, we are going to focus on authenticity, and less on professionalism. From the day we decided to do this, we always told ourselves we were going to do what felt right. So that's what we are doing.

So fuck Photoshop. Fuck those annoying boom light stands with their overly expensive light bulbs. Fuck doing what everyone else is doing. From this moment on, we are doing it our way. This is how we should have done it all along.


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