The NYPD tried to be cute and ended up doing something really stupid.

Posted on 23 April 2014

Today the NYPD asked Twitter users to post cute personal photos with NYPD officers.

Do you have a photo w/ a member of the NYPD? Tweet us & tag it #myNYPD. It may be featured on our Facebook.

And for a while it worked pretty well.

@NYPDnews my photo from my ride along with the boys from the 90th pct #myNYPD

People were sharing nice pictures of NYPD officers just hanging out.

And that was nice… for about an hour…

Until people started filling the #MyNYPD hashtag with photos of alleged police brutality.

Here the #NYPD engages with its community members, changing hearts and minds one baton at a time. #myNYPD

Every white shirt has to get in on the brutality, right @NYPDnews#myNYPD

And it doesn’t appear to be slowing down.

It turns out Twitter users had more than a few photos of NYPD officers looking less than friendly.

This should be featured on facebook RT @brotherguss #MyNYPDOne of my favorites

"And we're going to have to run you over, just for good measure."#myNYPD

And then things got even worse when Occupy Wall Street’s Twitter got involved.

Do you have a photo w/ a member of the #NYPD? Tweet us & tag it#myNYPD. It may be featured on their Facebook!

@OccupyWallStNYC #myNYPD keeping me safe by tackling me to the ground, punching me & arresting me (1)

Turns out not everyone is a huge fan of the NYPD.

NYPD crushing a black man's spine. He lost all sensation below his neck from this. #myNYPD

Yours truly. RT @NYPDnews: Do you have a photo w/ a member of the NYPD? Tweet us & tag it #myNYPD.

So, the lesson here? Be careful what you ask for on the internet, I guess.

NO ONE MAKES ME BLEED MY OWN BLOOD. Well, except #myNYPD. They do that a lot.

An officer from Precinct 114 once ticketed me for doing this exact thing on the N train. #myNYPD

The NYPD issued a statement about #myNYPD and said Twitter provides an “open forum.”

NYPD issues a statement regarding #myNYPD initiative.

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